The Problem

  • Large Asbestos Roof that had failing areas and needed to be waterproofed using a performance coating to a high spec as requested by the client
  • When the job was near completion customer requested long term sealing for protection of the gutters


John lewis gutter before and clean John lewis gutter clean

How did we approach the challenge:

We were approached by the contractor who wanted to use Advantage® for Asbestos Roofs due to their experience of the system and ease of use (only one coat needed).

We conducted a site survey with the contractor and sample patches were applied to compare against other systems.

A site specific specification was written which included the pre-sealing of the sheets with a water based product, keeping the eco-credentials of no VOCs and environmentally harmful products to a minimum.

The use of primer also improves the cosmetic appearance by reducing absorption of the top-coat into porous areas.